Complete Mental Tools List
Note: When more than one form of a word holds the same basic meaning and purpose as a Mental Tool, only one form is listed in the Mental Tools list. For example, “seek” and “seeking” are both Allow SoulTelling Mental Tools, but they are the same Mental Tool, so only “seek” is listed in the Allow SoulTelling tools list.
Allow tools
Allow SoulTelling tools
access, arise, allow, anticipating, approach, becoming, begin, conceive, constructing, create, disclose, discover, elicit, emanate, emerge, enlist, experiment, evoke, flow, ignite, innovate, initiate, manifesting, open, open-minded, originate, permit, proceed, receptive, redirect, redirecting, reveal, risk, seek, unimpeded
Allow Emptying tools
hamper, hiding, hinder, nervous, reluctant, restrictive, unforthcoming, unreceptive, withdrawn
Allow Emptying Further tools
agitated, block, bogged down, insular, obstruct, parochial, small-minded, stuck, stuck growth, tense
Allow Void Tools
closed-minded, disallow, impede, intransigent, obstinate, obdurate, override, restrain, rigid, stifle, stubborn, thwart, tunnel vision, unyielding
Allow Filling tools
adverse, bound, constrained, entrenched, impressionable, pretend, stereotype, stereotypical, sweet talk, tempted, unfortunate
Allow Filling Further tools
excessive, fussy, insatiable, objectify, overburdened, overemphasize, overstate, sexualize, voracious
Allow Fantasy tools
badger, codependent*, demoralize, dishearten, dispirit, harass, martyr, phony, selective hearing
(*codependent is depicted from a psychological perspective)
Conscious Awareness (CA) tools
CA SoulTelling tools
alert, attending, attentive, attuned, aware, being, collating, context, distinctive, experiencing, noticing, nuance, mindful, monitor, observing, present, prescient, watchful, witnessing
CA Emptying tools
clueless, day-dreaming, distracted, inattentive, muddled, sheltered, short-sighted
CA Emptying Further (EF) tools
absent-minded, disregard, floundering, forgetful, ignore, impetuous, impulsive, inexplicit, obscured, rebuff, scatterbrained, spaced out
CA Void tools
alienate, estranged, ignorant, incognizant, oblivious, obtuse, overlook, unaware, uninterested, unmindful, unobservant
CA Filling tools
bellicose, conceited, cursory, demanding, needy, quibbling, speculate, superficial, uninformed
CA Filling Further (FF) tools
fumbling, hyper-aware, hyper-vigilant, hyper-sensitive, preoccupied, self-serving, smug
CA Fantasy tools
arbitrary, attention-seeking, covet, leech, nag, nit-picky, perfectionist, stickler
Accept tools
Accept SoulTelling tools
agree, accept, acknowledge, agree to, approve, ascertain, associate, authenticate, admit, connect, distinguishing, establish, grasping, identifying, link, realize, receiving, recognizing, validate, verify
Accept Emptying tools
aberrant, contentious, resist, self-deprecating, unrealistic
Accept Emptying Further tools
chide, condemn, devalue, discount, downplay, fail, perverse, refuse, reject, self-condemnation, self-loathing, self-sabotage
Accept Void tools
contrary, discard, disinclined, forsake, insupportable, intractable, invalidate, mulish, self-defeating, undesirable, unsatisfactory, wash one’s hands
Accept Filling tools
backstabber, compliant, empty rhetoric, gullible, hearsay, hollow promises, informer, jiving, lip service, pliant, succumb, susceptible, tattletale
Accept Filling Further tools
capricious, distracting, falsify, fickle, gloss over, insincere, misstate, pipe dream, vague
Accept Fantasy tools
blowhard, contrived, entitled, irritated, insistent, invulnerable, plagiarizing, privileged, rigid thinking, short-tempered
Power tools
Power SoulTelling tools
able, act, actuate, affable, can, capable, charismatic, concentrate, coordinate, delve, diligence, drive, effort, emoting, energy, energetic, focus, force, grapple with, impact, impetus, incentive, individuality, innovative, intent, intrinsic, momentum, motivate, motivation, move, persistence, problem solve, process, question, resilient, self, selfhood, strength, tackle, wherewithal
Power Emptying tools
deficient, disempowered, mediocre, miscommunicate, misinterpret, misread, quitter, scapegoat, stooge, submit, target
Power Emptying Further tools
incapable, incompetent, ineffectual, impotent, insecure, offhandedly, powerless, thoughtlessly, unwittingly
Power Void tools
argumentative, browbeating, cruel, confrontational, energy vampire, hostile, manipulator, mortify, overreact, persecute, prejudicial, quarrelsome, racist, user
Power Filling tools
boastful, brag, fawning over, flirt, inflated, kiss-ass, kowtowing, prima donna, divo, show-off, vain, windbag
Power Filling Further tools
egotistical, high and mighty, narcissistic tendencies, overambitious, pompous, pretentious, puffed up, self-adoration, self-centered, stuck-up, vainglorious
Power Fantasy tools
controlling, dissembling, domineering, extremist, feigning, perverted, scamming, subjugate, stalker
Gratitude tools
Gratitude SoulTelling tools
appreciate, appreciative, contented, genuine, grateful, inspired, productive, responsive, satisfied, sincere, striving, thankful
Gratitude Emptying tools
censure, defeatist, detest, disapprove, discourage, dislike, invalidating, uptight
Gratitude Emptying Further tools
bum, disagreeable, loafer, petty, resentful, spiteful, unappreciative, ungrateful, unsociable
Gratitude Void tools
bitterness, helpless, ingrate, meaningless, outcast, beat yourself up, self-flagellation, unassertive
Gratitude Filling tools
bloated, exaggerate, frivolous, overdramatize, overestimate, smart-ass
Gratitude Filling Further tools
avarice, complacent, compulsiveness, compulsive sex, gluttonous, hoarding, licentious, patronizing, self-absorbed, selfish
Gratitude Fantasy tools
authoritarian, bossy, exploiter, narcissistic, presuppose, snarky, snide, take for granted, testy, upstage, wheedling
Compassion Tools
Compassion SoulTelling Tools
altruistic, calm, caring, compassionate, cool-headed, empathy, encouraging, enthusiastic, inspiring, passion, potential, potentiate, self-possessed, support, supportive, sympathetic, valuing, water off a duck’s back
Compassion Emptying tools
detached, distant, ill-tempered, inconsiderate, inhibited, repressed, shallow, sloppy, unhygienic, unkempt, unskillful
Compassion Emptying Further tools
callous, careless, derelict, disparaging, neglectful, self-injurious (e.g., cutting), self-pity, tactless, unloved, unvalued, unwanted
Compassion Void tools
apathetic, disengaged, hardhearted, inhumane, merciless, relentless, pitiless, surly, uncaring, unsympathetic
Compassion Filling tools
busybody, eavesdropper, interject, interpose, interrupt, meddle, prying
Compassion Filling Further tools
conciliatory, dump, embellish, fabricate, lying, scandal monger, superiority
Compassion Fantasy tools
beguile, bizarre, cold, coldhearted, deviant, fanatical, gaslighting, peculiar, unnerve
Kindness tools
Kindness SoulTelling tools
benevolent, considerate, embolden, expansive, forgiving, fortify, gentle, generous, give some slack, giving, latitude, magnanimous, purposeful, praise, revitalize, tolerant
Kindness Emptying tools
captious, carping, discourteous, inflexible, non-supportive, objectionable, stingy, ungenerous
Kindness Emptying Further tools
awful, denounce, dissatisfied, distasteful, miserable, miserly, pessimist, unfavorable, unfriendly, unpleasant
Kindness Void tools
antagonistic, heartless, mean-spirited, oppressive, strange, twisted, uncharitable, unfeeling, unkind, warped
Kindness Filling tools
dictate, excuse, inclined, influence, predisposed, spoiled, submissive, swayed
Kindness Filling Further tools
beholden, intentionally disregard, obligated, peevish, smothering, suffocating, suppressing, touchy, turn a deaf ear
Kindness Fantasy tools
afflict, egocentric, outsmart, outwit, overcome, overdo, overpower, overwhelm, strident
Trust tools
Trust SoulTelling tools
affirm, assert, assured, believe, confidence, confirmed, corroborated, count on, credible, depend, dependable, entrust, letting go, pronounce, prove, reliable, secure, self-reliant
Trust Emptying tools
dallying, deliberate, diffident, disbelieve, dither, doubt, hesitant, procrastinate, second guessing, self-doubt, uncertain, unsure
Trust Emptying Further tools
critical, cynical, discouraging, inconsistent, intimidated, mistrust, negative, skeptical, suspicious, unreliable
Trust Void tools
ambivalent, besmirch, defame, defenseless, discontent, discord, distrust, grouch, grump, jealous, persecuted, possessive, prey, unforgiving, untrustworthy, victimized, victimizes
Trust Filling tools
belie, credulous, dupe, malleable, manipulable, naive, unquestioning, unsuspecting
Trust Filling Further tools
betray, deceitful, deceptive, elixir, envious, fraudulent, overconfident, panacea, self-deceptive
Trust Fantasy tools
bamboozle, conned, crafty, deluded, devious, duplicitous, guileful, mislead, over-trust, unwary
Boundary tools
Boundary SoulTelling tools
appropriate, attest, breadth, challenge, dedicated, defend, define, definite, delineate, determination, disagree, extent, flexible, inquiring, protect, resolve, scope, setting a goal, statement, steadfast, stop, tenacious, willpower
Boundary Emptying tools
ambiguous, baffled, blunt, confused, defensive, discombobulated, disorderly, ill-behaved, infringe, lazy, perplexed, reactive, slacker, unclear, unwilling
Boundary Emptying Further tools
despicable, dubious, improper, inappropriate, insubordinate, lost, malcontent, nuisance, questionable, rebellious, tasteless, troublesome
Boundary Void tools
atrocious, battering, molest, nasty, recalcitrant, repetitive patterned behaviors, scorn, trample, trespass, uncompromising, uncooperative, underhanded, violate
Boundary Filling tools
crave, desire, expectation, hedonistic, inconstant, intrusive, presumptuous, self-gratification, self-indulgent
Boundary Filling Further tools
bingeing, concoct, equivocate, extravagant, gluttony, jumping to conclusions, misinformed, overindulge, overspend, overstep, prevaricate, transgress
Boundary Fantasy tools
adulterous, anger-mongering, cheating, decadent, depraved, fear-mongering, guilt-mongering, groping, immoderate, indecent, philandering, promiscuous
Respect tools
Respect SoulTelling tools
acclaim, admire, approval, commend, courteous, courtesy, deference, emulate, esteem, homage, humane, humility, moral, obeisance, polite, regarded, reputable, respectable, respectful, revere, thoughtful, tribute, upstanding, worth
Respect Emptying tools
affront, annoyed, impatient, impolite, impudent, nervy, offensive, rude, sacrilegious
Respect Emptying Further tools
churlish, debase, demean, derogatory, disrespectful, errant, flippant, ill-mannered, insolent, insulting, irreverent, revile, ridicule, sarcastic, uncivil, uncouth, ungracious, unruly
Respect Void tools
abusive, arrogant, contemptible, defiling, deriding, deprive, impertinent, loutish, misogyny, sneering, vulgar, worthless
Respect Filling tools
brash, finicky, impose, loudmouth, mockery, overblown, self-assertive, smart-aleck, snobby
Respect Filling Further tools
browbeat, bulldoze, coerce, haughty, hectoring, railroaded, snooty, steamroller, strong-arm
Respect Fantasy tools
artful, brazen, dominate, dominion, shameless, supercilious, supremacy, supreme
Honor tools
Honor SoulTelling tools
courageous, decent, devoted, dignity, disciplined, ethical, faithful, forthright, fortitude, honest, honor, integrity, mettle, moral, objective, principled, probity, proud, rectitude, regimented, scrupulous, self-honoring, suitable, truthful, trustworthy, unfailing, upright, virtuous
Honor Emptying tools
apprehensive, cowardly, disgrace, embarrassed, false-hearted, inadequate, indignity, renege, self-conscious, unproductive
Honor Emptying Further tools
abandon, ashamed, belittle, bitter, desert, dishonest, disloyal, humiliated, ignobility, lame, manipulative, sneaky, unfaithful, unload
Honor Void tools
addictive, conniving, corrupt, crooked, dishonor, disreputable, immoral, revenge, scammer, seedy, sexually exploiting, shaming, sleazy, stalking, stealing, thief, traitorous, unethical, unprincipled, villainous, wicked
Honor Filling tools
affectation, enamored, façade, make-believe, moralizing, mimic, posing, posturing, pretense, self-admiration
Honor Filling Further tools
bigoted, contradictory, harsh, indoctrinate, intimidate, righteous indignation, self-righteous, unprepared, unhelpful
Honor Fantasy tools
blustering, despotic, egomania, hubris, lust, menace, moral superiority, overawed, rapacious, sanctimonious, self-importance, terrorize, terroristic, unadaptable
Responsibility tools
Responsibility SoulTelling tools
accomplish, accountable, actualize, answerable, attain, carry out, commitment, consistent, culpable, empowering, explicable, fulfill, implement, intention, maintain, obligation, onus, ownership, perceive, provide, satisfy, solve, stalwart, sustain, undertake, uphold
Responsibility Emptying tools
defeated, disavow, envy, irresponsible, passive-aggressive, preoccupation, trivialize, undermine, underrate, undervalue
Responsibility Emptying Further tools
accuse, adversarial, berate, blame, cop out, criticize, delinquent, deprecate, discredit, immature, negligent, rebuke, stigmatize
Responsibility Void tools
amoral, defiant, disobedient, exempt, feckless, forfeit, oppositional, refusal, remorseless, shirking, shun, unaccountable
Responsibility Filling tools
conform, dutiful, fastidious, overbearing, pushy, sacrifice
Responsibility Filling Further tools
aggressive, fixated, fraud, hoax, inveigle, lure, machinate, monomaniacal, obsessive, ploy, ruse, take advantage of, threaten
Responsibility Fantasy tools
blurt, brainwash, collude, conditioning, enabler, extort, mutually dependent, persuasive, programmed, propagandize, ruthless, torment, unsuitable
Wisdom tools
Wisdom SoulTelling tools
astute, careful, clarity, enlightened, enterprising, evaluate, examine, experienced, farsighted, foresight, insightful, level-headed, outlook, perceptive, practical, prudent, ramifications, rational, reasoning, repercussions, resourceful, sensible, substantiate, substantive, understanding
Wisdom Emptying tools
foolish, impractical, impulse, simpleton, stupid, undiscriminating, unreasonable, unwise, whim
Wisdom Emptying Further tools
bad-tempered, catty, deceive, enraged, erroneous, ill-considered, imperceptive, senseless, road rage, unrestrained, wanton
Wisdom Void tools
defraud, inarticulate, incautious, indefensible, intolerant, misapprehension, misrepresent, uncommunicative, unforgivable, unstable, unsound, weak
Wisdom Filling tools
assume, biased, blind, cocky, deserve, dismissive, distorted, indifferent, skewed, slanted, unreasoning
Wisdom Filling Further tools
due me, egoist, embattled, ethnocentric, high-handed, know-it-all, myopic, owed, predestined, prerogative, trivializing
Wisdom Fantasy tools
aloof, badmouth, bombastic, braggart, condone, contemptuous, deign, disdainful, elitist, grandiose, insinuate, instant gratification, rationalize, slighted, snub, unconcerned
Judgment tools
Judgment SoulTelling tools
achieve, acumen, articulate, captivating, communicating, compelling, conclude, decisive, declare, deduce, determine, depict, discerning, discourse, dispassionate, do, enact, engage, execute, forethought, formulate, framing ideas, independent, industrious, perform, question, reasonable, reframe, selective, self-reliance, tactful, unbiased, valid
Judgment Emptying tools
hasty, hotheaded, illogical, improvident, inconclusive, indecisive, lackadaisical, lax, mindless, misguided, misjudge, misplaced, rash, stuck thinking, vacillating
Judgment Emptying Further tools
demeaning, fallacious, flawed, imprudent, knock, misconceive, misunderstand, reproach, slam, unheeded
Judgment Void tools
cold-blooded, compulsion, crass, disconnect, fearful, foolhardy, hurtful, hypercritical, injudicious, insensitive, mean, treacherous, unjust, unthinking, unconscionable
Judgment Filling tools
assumptive, admonish, blaming, bumptious, compel, conjecture, constrain, gratuitous, grudge, histrionics, inundate, melodramatic, noxious, rumor mongering, tantrums
Judgment Filling Further tools
calculating, cunning, double standard, fault-finding, greedy, hypocrisy, imperious, opportunistic, scheming, ulterior motive, vituperative, wily
Judgment Fantasy tools
bullying, defamatory, devotee, fervid, invincible, irrational, malicious, premeditated, reckless, sadistic, salacious, scandalous, slander, subterfuge, trickery, two-faced, unjustifiable, zealot